Robotex is an Indian Start-up firm based on Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Robotex has been established as an Industrial Automation company founded on 2016 in India. Robotex mainly focuses on Textile and Automotive industry and concentrates on Industrial automation and Product innovation to improve the performance, enhance the Quality, increase the productivity and to reduce the manpower requirement.
Industrial Automation through innovation is the strategy of Robotex. We provide Industry 4.0 solutions through advanced Robotics technology, IoT and Artificial Intelligence. Robotex is built with an envisioned team of Technologists, Engineers and Innovators.
Innovation for Textile Industries to Increase Productivity
Innovation for Automotive Brands to Increase Efficiency
Innovation for Consumer Market to Impact Individual Lives
Innovation for Brands that sell Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Innovation labs—also known as hubs, incubators, or accelerators—are business units that employ the methods of agile startups, with the goal of devising novel ideas that can either disrupt or complement the overall company.